Direction | Instruction displays the works of 25+ artists from 11 different countries. The exhibition celebrates abstraction, alternative materials, composition and language as counterpoint expressions in a movement which has been traditionally dominated by realism and illustrative works.

Colour, form and abstract composition tend to play a far more important role for these artists in their large-scale urban interventions. Not only does this departure from the traditional genre create some separation for them in the visual landscape, but it can also be a source of debate in the Street Art and Graffiti community at large.

Historically important and highly respected artists within the Graffiti and Mural culture, Remi Rough and Niels Shoe Meulman are both included in this current edition of Direction | Instruction. They are critical players in the ‘breaking through’ of abstraction as a legitimate subculture. Terms such as ‘Post-Graffiti’ and ‘Grafuturism’ have also been applied to this evolving genre.

This instalment of Direction | Instruction marks the 8th edition of this travelling group show and the first European chapter of this celebrated gathering of talent. Direction | Instruction is on show at STRAAT Gallery until Sunday, April 2nd.